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DAX Date table in TMDL

Writer's picture: DataZoeDataZoe

Here is my date table in TMDL!

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The script:

	/// Date table used to show data as trends over time or compare to different time periods by similar groups, such as year, month, or quarter.
	table Date
		dataCategory: Time
		/// Each day's date. Other columns in this table are used to group dates by year, month, quarter, week, and other groups.
		column Date
			formatString: dd mmm yyyy
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Date]
			annotation PBI_FormatHint = {"isCustom":true}
		/// Each year represented as the first date of that year. Can be used on visuals to have a continuous or categorical axis.
		column Yearly
			formatString: yyyy
			displayFolder: Parts as dates
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Yearly]
			annotation PBI_FormatHint = {"isCustom":true}
		/// Each quarter represented as the first date of that quarter. Can be used on visuals to have a continuous or categorical axis.
		column Quarterly
			formatString: "Q starting" mmm yyyy
			displayFolder: Parts as dates
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Quarterly]
			annotation PBI_FormatHint = {"isCustom":true}
		/// Each month represented as the first date of that month. Can be used on visuals to have a continuous or categorical axis.
		column Monthly
			formatString: mmm yyyy
			displayFolder: Parts as dates
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Monthly]
			annotation PBI_FormatHint = {"isCustom":true}
		/// Each week represented as the first date of that week, starting Sunday. Can be used on visuals to have a continuous or categorical axis.
		column Weekly
			formatString: "Week starting" ddd dd mmm yyyy
			displayFolder: Parts as dates
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Weekly]
			annotation PBI_FormatHint = {"isCustom":true}
		/// Each month of the year represented as a number starting at 1 in correct sort order and for comparing weeks year over year
		column 'Month of Year'
			formatString: 0
			displayFolder: Parts as numbers
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Month of Year]
			annotation SummarizationSetBy = User
		/// Each week of the year starting Sundays represented as a number starting at 1 in correct sort order and for comparing weeks year over year
		column 'Week of Year'
			formatString: 0
			displayFolder: Parts as numbers
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Week of Year]
			annotation SummarizationSetBy = User
		/// The 4-digit year
		column Year
			formatString: 0
			displayFolder: Parts as numbers
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Year]
			annotation SummarizationSetBy = User
		/// Each quarter of the year displayed as Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.
		column Quarter
			displayFolder: Parts as text
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Quarter]
		/// Each quarter with it's year displayed as quarter, year. Sort correctly with ORDER BY CALCULATE(MIN('Date'[Quarterly])) 
		column 'Year Quarter'
			displayFolder: Parts as text
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Year Quarter]
			sortByColumn: Quarterly
		/// Each month of the year displayed as Jan, Feb, ..., Dec. Sort correctly with ORDER BY CALCULATE(MIN('Date'[Month of Year]))
		column Month
			displayFolder: Parts as text
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Month]
			sortByColumn: 'Month of Year'
		/// Each month as text formatted as mmm, yyyy
		column 'Year Month'
			displayFolder: Parts as text
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Year Month]
			sortByColumn: Monthly
		/// Each week starting Sunday displayed as start of week to end of week in format dd mmm 'yy - dd mmm 'yy. Sort correctly with ORDER BY CALCULATE(MIN('Date'[Weekly])) 
		column Week
			displayFolder: Parts as text
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Week]
			sortByColumn: Weekly
		/// Number of years offset from today's year, future years positive and prior years negative.
		column 'Today Year Offset'
			formatString: 0
			displayFolder: Offset to today
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Today Year Offset]
			annotation SummarizationSetBy = User
		/// Number of quarters offset from today's quarter, future quarters positive and prior quarters negative.
		column 'Today Quarter Offset'
			formatString: 0
			displayFolder: Offset to today
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Today Quarter Offset]
			annotation SummarizationSetBy = User
		/// Number of months offset from today's month, future months positive and prior months negative.
		column 'Today Month Offset'
			formatString: 0
			displayFolder: Offset to today
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Today Month Offset]
			annotation SummarizationSetBy = User
		/// Number of weeks starting Sunday offset from today's week, future weeks positive and prior weeks negative.
		column 'Today Week Offset'
			formatString: 0
			displayFolder: Offset to today
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Today Week Offset]
			annotation SummarizationSetBy = User
		/// Number of days offset from today, future days positive and prior days negative.
		column 'Today Day Offset'
			formatString: 0
			displayFolder: Offset to today
			summarizeBy: none
			sourceColumn: [Today Day Offset]
			annotation SummarizationSetBy = User
		hierarchy 'Date Hierarchy'
			level Year
				column: Year
			level Quarter
				column: Quarter
			level Month
				column: Month
			level Week
				column: Week
			level Date
				column: Date
		partition Date = calculated
			mode: import
			source = ```
					// Date Table by DataZoe, August 2021,
					// Here you can specify a start date, or the range of dates in your fact table.
					// If you have multiple fact tables, you can do MIN(MIN('Fact 1'[Date]),MIN('Fact 2'[Date])) etc.
					VAR _startdate =
					VAR _enddate =
					    ADDCOLUMNS (
					        CALENDAR ( _startdate, _enddate ),
					        // Create DATE VERSIONS of the year, quarter, month, and week
					        // These will need to be formatted in the Column Format ribbon or in the Properties Pane in the Model view
					        // including custom formats, such as mmm yyyy for the month
					        "Yearly", DATE ( YEAR ( [Date] ), 1, 1 ),
					            DATE ( YEAR ( [Date] ), SWITCH (
					                MONTH ( [Date] ),
					                1, 1,
					                2, 1,
					                3, 1,
					                4, 4,
					                5, 4,
					                6, 4,
					                7, 7,
					                8, 7,
					                9, 7,
					                10, 10,
					                11, 10,
					                12, 10
					            ), 1 ),
					        "Monthly", DATE ( YEAR ( [Date] ), MONTH ( [Date] ), 1 ),
					            [Date] - WEEKDAY ( [Date], 1 ) + 1,
					        // Month and Week OF YEAR to do accurate year over year week compares 
					        "Month of Year", MONTH ( [Date] ),
					        "Week of Year", WEEKNUM ( [Date] ),
					        // Create TEXT VERSIONS of the year, quarter, month, and week
					        // These will need to be sort by date versions above
					        // or the Month of Year to sort correctly
					        "Year", YEAR ( [Date] ),
					        "Quarter", CONCATENATE ( "Q", FORMAT ( QUARTER ( [Date] ), "0" ) ),
					        "Year Quarter", "Q" & FORMAT ( [Date], "q, yyyy" ),
					        "Month", FORMAT ( [Date], "MMM" ),
					        "Year Month", FORMAT ( [Date], "MMM, yyyy" ),
					            FORMAT ( [Date] - WEEKDAY ( [Date], 1 ) + 1, "dd MMM 'yy" ) & " - "
					                & FORMAT ( ( [Date] - WEEKDAY ( [Date], 1 ) + 1 ) + 6, "dd MMM 'yy" ),
					        // Compared to today fields for when you want to always have say the current show by default
					        "Today Year Offset", DATEDIFF ( TODAY (), [Date], YEAR ),
					        "Today Quarter Offset", DATEDIFF ( TODAY (), [Date], QUARTER ),
					        "Today Month Offset", DATEDIFF ( TODAY (), [Date], MONTH ),
					        "Today Week Offset", DATEDIFF ( TODAY (), [Date], WEEK ),
					        "Today Day Offset", DATEDIFF ( TODAY (), [Date], DAY )
		annotation PBI_Id = f9ac7d56b5e34adebee8b0ca93c6be23

Also, here's how I got rid of lineage tags in TDML view with replace and regex. Thank you, Copilot!

lineageTag: [0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}

And how I removed blank rows:


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